How to use SFR resolution test chart
ISO12233:2014 eSFR can automatically calculate several key image quality factor including
but not limited to shrpness,lateral chromatic aberration,tonal response,color responce and
noise!It is fully compliant with Low Contrast Edge SFR (E-SFR) test chart.The new standard
ISO 12233:2014 replaced the 2000 standard ,With specified high contrast test pattern,it is
easy to cause out or make measurement error, it is also lack of step serials for the progressive
group assessment tonal response.Lastly,only a few function suitable for automatic analysis.
Below we explain ISO12233:2014 eSFR resolution test card usage and function of each part
of the test in details through the decomposition method .
This chart contains nine slanted squares at 4:1 contrast ratio and OECF step serials.The edges
of the slanted squares are used to measure spatial frequency response and lateral chromatic
aberration.These squares are all equipped with focus-aid to appropriate manual or automatic focus.
The 20-patch OECF gray scale pattern surrounding in the center of the chart is used to measure
the image system’s tonal response,gamma,white balance and noise characteristics.The radioactive
measurement plate arranged on average, to reduce the measurement error of the light down.Noise
test series cover a wide range,including chroma,scene-referred and raw pixtel noise as well as
ISO 15739 visual noise,SNR and dynaic range.
Sine image offers two additional versions of eSFR ISO chart,they take advantage of extra space
while incomplement with the standard.The enhance and extending the charts contain six addtional
flant squares for sharpness measurment on the other side of image field.
Four registration marks used for automatical featuredetect Imatest eSFR ISO module function.
16 color patches when produced with technologies that allow color (inkjet or color LVT), with
colors similar to the industry-standard 24-color test chart.
Based on the different section of the tandard,four pairs of hyperbola wedge have been added to
determin the limited resolution and moire fringe .
The enhance version eSFR ISO chart has a 3:2 aspect ratio while entended version has a 16:9
aspect ratio to support image system for the wider horizon.For more infomation about eSFR ISO
chart or Sine Image,please visit the website or email